Wednesday 22 September 2010

International Peace Day (21 sep 2010)

Yesterday was the International Peace Day. A few people that I talked to were unaware that 21st September is dedicated to peace. I was thinking if it was the International Day of Fruit Juice or International Day of Fashion, all sorts of celebrations and campaigns were happening and as a result a lot more of us would have been made aware of it. Mind you, with all the wars (both "justified" and condemned) that are being fought, maybe dedicating a day as the World Peace Day is not important, it's just there as an out of reach wish for optimists!

دیروز روز جهانی صلح بود
متاسفانه خیلی ها حتی اینو نمیدونن
ولی مثلا اگه روز جهانی خوردن آب میوه بود و یا مد لباس
شاید تبلیغات و بوق و کرنا عده بیشتری رو آگاه میکرد
البته با همه جنگهای توجیح شده و تکفیر شده که تو دنیا اتفاق میفته
شاید اصلا روز جهانی صلح فقط یه بازیه، یه چیزی شبیه به یه امید دست نیافتنی


zari said...

کاملا باهات موافقم شهیره جان

Anonymous said...

واقعا همينطوره
ولي چرا؟