Tuesday 17 February 2009

Happy Sepandarmazgan سپندارمزگان

با تشکر فراوان از دوست عزیزی که مرا با یکی از سنتهای زیبای ایران باستان آشنا ساخت
در جریان صحبتی که در رابطه با روز ولنتاین با دوستی داشتم، با روزسپندارمذگان، اسفندارمذگان یا سپندارمزگان، آشنا شدم. این روز، برای ایرانیان قدیم روز گرامی داشت عشق بوده. ایرانیان باستان روز پنجم اسفند ماه (که به تاریخ کنونی مصادف با 29 بهمن ماه میشود) را به عنوان روزعشق و دوستی و روز گرامی داشت زمین جشن میگرفتند. شنیدن این مطلب خیلی برایم جالب بود. چقدر با اصل خودمان فاصله گرفته ایم! دوستی، مهربانی و عشق که زمانی بخشی از زندگی روزمره نیاکانمان بوده اند به واژه های غریب و کثیقی تبدیل شده اند که امروزه جوانانمان را به جرم تفکر به آنها به تازیانه محکوم میکنیم. دنیایی است بس غریب
سپندارمزگانتان مبارک
اینک زمین را می ستاییم؛ زمینی که ما را در بر گرفته است
ای اََهوره مَزدا
زنان را می ستاییم
اوستا، یسنا ٣٨ بند 1
Persians were one of the first nations to devote a day on their annual calender for celebrating love. this day was called Sepandarmazgan . It was celebrated on the 5th day of the last month of each year, which on today's calender it means a few days after the Valentine's Day. Sadly Sepandarmazgan is unknown for most Iranians today, even those who celebrate St Valentine’s Day religiously!


Anonymous said...

Very interesting, thanx!

greenshotter said...

Hi,Manchester lady! I know you are a poet,but never known you are a historian, too. It is so nice to learn that there is a day to celebrate Sepandarmazgan- love. Don't be sad about those Persians that forget this day, I'll celebrate this love with you , wholeheartedly, not love in general but great love. Hope you enjoy it. I happened take a shot of the same kind of flower as yours today, though not as beautiful as the one here.

Shahireh said...

Anonymous friend
Thanks :)

LOL! Historian, I'm not! But I like to learn about our past. Thanks for sharing Sepandarmazgan with me and others who celebrate it.
I look forward to see your picture in your photostream, then.
Thanks again for your support

greenshotter said...

Hi, Shahireh!I can hardly recognize you when you changed you body portrait. Can you make it two eyes instead of one? This is just too small a part of your face, please make it a little bit bigger!

Shahireh said...


The larger version is on my blog page; I'll leave it to you to search for it

greenshotter said...

Hi, blue-eye lady! You are not only a poet, a historian, now you are a doctor! This is incredible! What else are you? I can understand why you have so little time with your camera. I am not able to give any comments on your headache notes, but if you appear more often, I'll have less Migraine. Belle ciao!

Shahireh said...


You are right. I am a few things (not a historian, though). You make a good detective; are you one?

I never thought of myself as a prophylactic treatment for headache.
Thanks! It was a funny joke :))))

greenshotter said...

Hi, doctor! Have you tried your banana skin? Haven't heard of you for some days and wonder if you have been knocked down by it. It seams you have some headache problem. It is very painful but won't kill you!

Shahireh said...


Actually I tried it the other day
I must say it helped with cooling the area and gave some relief, but it was not a complete replacement to painkillers.

I just uploaded a photo on my flickr and will hopefully come back soon to this site as well.

Thanks for showing an interest my friend

greenshotter said...

Hi, Doctor! I bought some banana this morning but mainly for the food not the skin. I'll try the skin when get mosquito bite and if it works, I'll bring banana with me when go out shooting around. How do you like that?

Shahireh said...


Good move! Do let us know how effective you think they are.

Enjoy your bananas