Monday 12 April 2010

Sharing the space

Sharing the space
Originally uploaded by Shahireh

Endangered activities!

-“Flying in a built-in area?” Officer said to the bird as he was shaking his head in dismay.

-“Sorry, officer. Didn’t realize that I was in a no flying zone!”

-“Are you telling me that you are flying without paying attention to the shadows?”

-“Shadows sir!”

-“Yes, shadows. Can’t you see that you are the only creature with no shadow? Let me have your flying licence. This will cost you three points.” The officer recorded the birds’ details in his notepad and walked away leaving the confused bird behind.

A silly story, maybe; but we need to learn how to share the space before it is too late!


Anonymous said...

جالب بود

Shahireh said...

مرسی از لطفتون