Friday 30 October 2020

A pre book launch event

I just took part in my first live session on twitter. Thanks @cultureword. It went very quick and at some stage I wondered if I could type fast enough to catch up never mind thinking about my replies. Follow @cultureword for all the responses. See some of my responses below.

برای رونمایی کتاب آماده می شویم. اولین تجربه ی برنامه توئیتر زنده بود. خیلی سریع گذشت. کتاب مجموعه ای از نه نویسنده با داستان های کوتاه است و حدود دو هفته ی دیگر رونمایی می شود. این جلسه فرصتی بود که خوانندگان و علاقمندان اگر سوالی دارند از نویسندگان بپرسند. برخی از سوالها با جوابهای من را در ادامه بخوانید

(The name of my story is the power of a lie)

What inspired your story?
When I was in secondary school a safe house was raided and all the house occupancies were killed by the intelligence officials but a baby survived. The baby was used to show how kind and caring the intelligence officers were to keep the baby alive. I guess the event left its marks.

How was the editing process for you?
The support was incredible. Thanks to Pete for all the comments and his time. It was an enjoyable learning process.

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Kalu's Column said...

Thanks for your contribution, Shahireh.

Shahireh said...

Thank you and thanks to the Commonword for the experience. Loved every stage of this process.