Looking through a book1 I came across a picture of Saddam Hussein before becoming the president of Iraq; he was shopping for weapons of limited distraction in his trip to southern France in 1975.
America claimed that Iraq had weapons of mass distraction.
"Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraqi regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised," according to Bush (the president of America) 2
Once Iraq was invaded it was declared that it did not have weapons of mass destruction
In the Iran-Iraq war in 1980, Iraq used chemical weapons against people of Iran
"By the summer of 1983 Iran had been reporting Iraqi use of chemical weapons for some time. The Geneva protocol requires that the international community respond to chemical warfare, but a diplomatically isolated Iran received only a muted response to its complaints. It intensified its accusations in October 1983, however, and in November asked for a United Nations Security Council investigation." 3
Now the question is if Iraq didn't have the capacity to produce chemical weapon, where did Saddam Hussein got the chemical weapons that he used against Kurdish people?
"Ronald Reagan signed a national security decision directive calling for the U.S. to do whatever was necessary to prevent Iraq's defeat in the Iran-Iraq war...following Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, of U.S. companies charged with illegally delivering military, dual-use, or nuclear-related items to Iraq. (In this case, a Teledyne affiliate was charged will illegally selling zirconium, used in the manufacture of explosives, to the Chilean arms manufacturer Carlos Industries, which used the material to manufacture cluster bombs sold to Iraq.)"4
1) The 70s in pictures, Exvlusive edition 2010, Marks and Spencer PLC
2) http://www.realnews247.com/newsday_weapons_of_mass_distraction.htm
Ken Fireman Iraq's Weapons Of Mass Distraction? Skeptics eye war's rationale,
Accessed on 8th Feb. 2012
3) http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB82/
National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 82
Edited by Joyce Battle
February 25, 2003
Access on 8th Feb. 2012
4) Document 6 on reference number 3
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