Monday 4 June 2018

Japan Day

Japan Day (3rd June 2018, Sugden Sport Center) showcasing Japanese culture organised by Japan Society North

I attended the event as we (DIPACT) had a performance booked for this day, but soon the day became an eye opener in many ways for me. I knew Japan is a country with a unique heritage and rich culture but to be in close approximately of the culture was invigorating.

One of the most enjoyable events was the group performing using Taiko Drumming. I was also introduced to the sound of Koto (somewhat similar to Iranian Santur) and Awa Odori Dance. We also had a chance to dressed up in Kimono :)

Let's sample the flavour of Koto.

The range of thing to see and activities to experience was impressing and the event was managed well. Well done to the organisers, looking forward to their next event.

روز ژاپن فستیوالی از فرهنگ و ادب ژاپنی را به نمایش گذاشته بود. همزمان فعالیت های مختلفی برای آشنایی با فرهنگ و ادب ژاپن در گوشه و کنار سالن در حال اجرا بود . مدیریت و زمان بندی برنامه ها هم به نحو احسن اجرا شد
آوای کوتو را با هم بشنویم 
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