To Arya Mehr
به دوستی که شجاعت و جسارت عجیبی داره
اینم از ضد حمله! میودنم که به خوبی عکسی که شما به من هدیه دادید نیست ولی خوب برگ سبزی است تحفه درویش
The picture was taken in a hot summer day; diving and swimming was banned here. But it was too hot even for the guard to be bothered with people splashing about! So the show went on for a while; everyone seemed to have a good time, though.
hahaha bazi oghat ein chiza iran ro bahal mikone :-)
ReplyDeletejust read your reply, my sincere apology for last comment :-)
Mohammad Mimjedi ham hamintooreh
ReplyDeletema'zerat khahi baray last comment!?
chizi nagoftid ke ozrkhahi bekhad ke!!!
ahaaaaaaaaaaaan, hala fahmidam!
be gamonam tarsidin ke behem bar khordeh bashe va bekham entegham begiram.
chera inghadr mitarsin shoma?
Is this place your hometown? I see men only, no women. Now I know why you hide your face. Do you still have to cover you face in Manchester when you go out?
ReplyDeleteThis is not my hometown, in fact a long way away, but this is a famous place, particularly for a spring that exists in its dry land.
ReplyDeleteYes, only men here! In fact most of people stayed well away from this crowd!
Women have to use a headscarf in Iran, when they are out and about.
And just to prove that I don't hide my face! I'll give you the link to another picture taken from me and my friends in the same place (It’ll take a while to find the link)
By the way, have I ever seen your face!?
This is the link that I promised
Blue-eye lady,I checked your link and see you and your friends. So beautiful and lovely as you should be! (I also left my comment on that page, you may try to find it.)
ReplyDeletegreenshoterThank you so much for spending time on these pages.